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Given the times in which we live, an entrepreneur might be forgiven for letting the excitement of owning their own business turn into feeling the drudgery of letting the business own you.

After all, you’ve got all those things to do with no apparent return.  Perhaps having your attention span too wide might be preventing you from creating an opportunity.  Why not focus on one strength, opportunity or strategy that will dissolve that feeling of drudgery and bring some excitement back into your business life?

I’ve been there. 

I decided that working as a coach/consultant was going to be a breeze and customers would flock to my door to learn how to run their businesses by the numbers.  Perhaps that last sentence was a bit overstated, but I did underestimate what it would take to get it off the ground. 

What saved me? Focus!

In my case, my business had been plodding along with me making enough to pay half the household expenses.  Then my wife lost her job and I needed to make 100% of the expenses.  Either that or dig into our savings, which does have a down the road cost.  After a short period of depression, I focused on something I should haven doing long ago. 

Is your business getting these 8 essentials right?

Take the Assessment to Find Out

I focused on getting more business from previous clients and prospects.

It didn’t fill the whole gap, but with one other strategy I filled the gap and overshot.

So my questions to you are:
  • What opportunities have you not focused on lately?  
  • What area of business had you planned to get into but never did?  
  • What subset of products or clients would move the needle if you just focused on them “like a laser” as they used to say?

Focus not only uncovers opportunities, it gives you a sense of purpose and control.

You’re back in the game and owning your business once again.  You’ll have more energy and make more money.


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