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Being an entrepreneur requires bravery. Maybe that’s why most business owners get really good at facing uncertainty. 

Because being a small business owner means you’re constantly making mistakes, constantly feeling like you’re falling short, and always learning new things. 

And when you’re making mistakes and learning new things, after a while you can start to feel like you might not actually be qualified to be sitting in the CEO chair.

Imposter Syndrome happens when you over-identify with feelings of inadequacy

It doesn’t matter how successful you are — even the highest-acclaimed people in their fields struggle with Imposter Syndrome. 

As Pia Silva wrote in Forbes, “Imposter syndrome is the feeling of being a complete fraud in your field. All of your achievements are by luck and not hard work or trial and error. And worse, you feel like you don’t deserve anything you’ve achieved. Yes, it’s just as terrible as it sounds.” 

Know that you’re not alone. Most people experience feelings of imposter syndrome every now and then, especially when they’re out in the ring, throwing punches and trying new things.

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Gain the confidence you need to run a successful business by letting a coach help you perform better and achieve better results (along with smashing those mental blocks that always seem to get in your way!) 

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With that said, here are a few surefire ways to overcome imposter syndrome

#1 Celebrate your wins

Imposter Syndrome is like the ugly bridge troll that sits on your shoulder, shouting that you’re not good enough.

The best way to shut up this little demon is to remind yourself that you DO produce results. You have come a long way.

Be sure to keep track of your accomplishments, whether that’s in your notebook, a file drawer, a binder, or displayed for the world to see on your business website. 

Write down — even just for yourself — the progress you have made for your customers. How you improve people’s lives every day with your skills and expertise. 

Stop Imposter Syndrome in its tracks by telling yourself a different story. 

#2 Take care of yourself

Brain health and physical health are essential in managing feelings of insecurity and lack of self-worth. 

When entrepreneurs work hard around the clock, it can lead to feelings of burnout and wondering if you’re even in the right industry. 

When you start to feel this way, take a step back, go on a walk, and take a breather. Sometimes all you need is a little more balance. 

#3 Get used to acting before you’re ready

If you’re an entrepreneur reading this, it means you’re a natural self-starter with follow-through. It means you’re used to learning on the fly. 

Ultimately, you’ll get really good at feeling uncomfortable. 

Even if you don’t know how to do something, figure it out, and BOOM, you learned a new skill, leveled up, and therefore boosted your confidence. 

#4 Be your genuine self

 Imposter syndrome happens when we feel disconnected to who we are and the kind of business we’re supposed to be running. 

That’s why it’s important to build a business you actually want to work in, with values that reflect your own. Sometimes it’s best to keep your eyes on your own page … run the business that feels authentic to you, and you’ll enjoy working in it more, with no apologies to make.

A part of being authentic is being honest about what you don’t know. This way, you’re not “faking it until you make it”, as much as learning as you go, and being transparent about where you stand. 

#5 Let go of perfection

 When you can’t laugh at yourself, it makes your mistakes and shortcomings feel like a much bigger deal than they are. 

Find the humor in your mistakes as a business owner. Don’t be so hard on yourself, and you simply won’t make the same mistake next time. 

#6 Get support

As an entrepreneur, you’re learning so much every day, and blazing your own trail. Sometimes you might find yourself in situations you’ve never been before. This can add to feelings of inadequacy and Imposter Syndrome. 

The best way around this: work with a business coach who can help you see the path forward. Without a coach, you’re like an airplane flying through fog without navigation; you might not feel super confident about your ability to not crash. But as soon as you start working with someone who has been there before and helped business owners in your same predicament, you’ll find yourself with more confidence than you’ve ever had. 

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